Port Phillip Conservation Council Inc.

A0020093K Victoria    ABN 46 291 176 191    Founded in 1970






Click on a blue hyperlink of interest.



CHANNEL DEEPENING IN PORT PHILLIP Deepening of the shipping channel first proposed by the Victorian Channels Authority but, since 1st July 2003, proposed instead by the Port of Melbourne Corporation which, under the Port Services Act 1995, replaced the former Melbourne Port Corporation.


PORT PHILLIP DEFENCE LAND FOR SALE Sale of large areas of Defence Department open space land fronting Port Phillip at Point Nepean and Point Cook.


MARINA EXPANSION AND PROLIFERATION: Marina expansion is a major  Port Phillip problem - not helped by the Victorian Coastal Strategy (Section 4.5.3)




PLANNING SCHEME ISSUES:  Mt Martha Quarry, Green Wedge to the coast at Mt Eliza, Bayside "Roof  Decks", Point Gellibrand Coastal Heritage Park 


BICYCLE ROADS (bicycle PATH is a euphemism - bicycles are vehicles) Uncompleted links in Frankston, Kingston and Bayside municipalities can be completed in good or in bad ways.


NON-WATER-RELATED USES: Skateboard ramp on Rosebud foreshore, VCAT disallows skateboard and BMX facility on Rye foreshore, Beaumaris tea house.




DONATIONS NEEDED:  To help Port Phillip Conservation Council Inc's work. Please contact the Treasurer, PPCC Inc., 47 Bayview Crescent, BLACK ROCK 3193.




We need conservation groups, from sections of the Port Phillip coast where we currently have no Member Organization, to apply to join our Council.




We need reports, of indigenous and other foreshore plants, in the format shown on this Site for Beaumaris, pioneered by Beaumaris Conservation Society Inc., in the form, preferably, of .xls files or, failing that, .htm files, e-mailed to PPCC Inc. from Member Organizations, to be placed on this Site, as the April 2002 General Meeting has sought.



This page was last updated on 2011-05-31.